Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Heroes of Alaska


This month I ask all of you to come and write on my blog at my website (, and sign up for my newsletter. For a chance to win two autographed books. I’ll be finding the winners by who writes the most pithy replies. While your there please stop by and learn how to recieve a free book plate signed by me. All you have to do is send in a S.A.S.E., to the snail mail address, I have located on my sight. This will be a fun month so keep looking and you just might find some more surprises.

In a mere couple of days my second book THE FIREFIGHTER’S CINDERELLA comes out as an October pick. It’s the sequel to my first book, A DAUGHTER’S DISCOVERY, found in the novella entitled A MOTHER’S WEDDING DAY.
I personally like to call these books my HEROES OF ALASKA SERIES. Another book in the series is due out next year.

THE FIREFIGHTER’S CINDERELLA features C.J. Powell, the twin brother of Ranger Jake Powell from A DAUGHTER’S DISCOVERY.

Captain C.J. Powell of the San Francisco Fire Department, the ruggedly handsome man who has broken many women’s hearts, is trying to escape the past he left in Alaska years earlier.

It’s been a year since his best friend and fellow firefighter Tim McGuiness died from cancer. During a marathon set up to honor Tim’s memory, C.J. helps the other firefighters cut off racing tags from the runners crossing the finish line.

One runner crosses the finish line who looks vaguely familiar and collapses in his arms. He rushes her to triage where he learns that the beautiful woman he’s caring for is none other than the one girl he could never have, Natasha Bennington. She loved his deceased best friend Tim without ever expecting love from him in return. Instead of being the heavier set woman C.J. remembers, she’s turned into a slim swan.

The sparks fly between these two friends who were friends of Tim’s. Now they unite and find out they really were meant for each other. Only Natasha’s work as a Pro-bono attorney has become dangerous. The people she’s trying to protect are working for a dangerous drug cartel ring leader named Mendez who’s making threats against her life.

Now C.J. must take Natasha and their new found love up into the wilds of Alaska until Mendez can be caught. Can their love survive ? Or will they fall prey to the dangers lurking in Alaska? Find out in this exciting read.
I’ve loved writing this book. The elements of the Cinderella story are all here as Natasha becomes the beauty that she always was on the inside, making this such an exciting part of the novel. I hope you fall in love with C.J. and Natasha’s story just like I have.



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